Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Lauren's Corner: A great fall at tutoring

There is cause for rejoicing this fall. The tutors this year are amazing. The recruitment for freshmen tutors was a success in many ways. I feel that our new tutors came into the program ready to meet the challenges of their own academics and willing to foster a great mentoring relationship with their tutee. The tutors who have been with us for a number of years have set a great example for the new tutors by getting to tutoring on time and through their willingness to share ideas and experiences with them. This collaboration that exists between the experienced tutors and the new tutors is reflected in the eyes of all tutees. Our tutees feel that they not only can receive help from their own tutor but that they could share their ideas with the other tutors. This collaborative effort by all creates a safe and creative atmosphere for our tutees to work and learn.

We have three tutees who have attended tutoring for a number of years and are now in ninth grade. I have to say that I am very proud of their achievements. They are transitioning well to high school and doing well in their academics. They are also involved with sports and other activities at school while keeping up with a new and challenging academic schedule. One particular ninth-grade tutee was praised by his guidance counselor for his adjustment to high school and his teachers’ faces lit up when his name was mentioned during our Educational Coordinator’s recent school visit. His leadership at school was proven when his peers elected him as the Freshmen Representative for Student Government. One of our other ninth-grade superstars, who had been very shy for the past three years I have known her, joined the volleyball team at school. She was introduced to volleyball, the camp’s sport, while spending two weeks at Earthen Vessels Camp in Vermont this past summer. This summer experience built up her confidence enough that she felt that she could try out for the school team while keeping up with her academics. Go, superstar!! All three of them also feel that they can attend tutoring more than once a week when they needed it. Their tutors have been great by being available to them and coming to the tutoring center more than once a week despite their own busy schedules. If their tutor could not make it for an extra day at tutoring, there are always other tutors who are willing to share their time all in the name of academic improvement. I would really like to thank our tutors for their especially supportive and welcoming approach this year. It has been very refreshing and has proven to be an academic and personal boost for all of the tutees involved with the program.

Lauren Ravello, Program Director


Anonymous said...

The new website looks incredible! Keep up the good work. ET

Anonymous said...

You should post on the EV website somewhere a "Featured in the Massachusetts Catalogue for Philanthropy" with the link http://www.catalogueforphilanthropy.org/ma/2001/earthen_vessels_561.htm


Anonymous said...

You could also add a link to the feature on Latoyia Jackson to her profile on NECN.com at http://www.necn.com/shows/96/node/359


Anonymous said...

Thanks, ET. Both suggestions have been taken care of. We are always open to comments, suggestions and constructive criticism.